Location: Ojo Caliente, NM
Client: Cornerstones Community Partnerships
Year: 1999
Size: 5000 S.F.
Working with Cornerstones Community Partnerships and the wonderful priest and parishioners of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ojo Caliente, NM, we helped organize and implement this inspiring renovation and restoration project. The older adobe sanctuary dates from the late 1700s. The newer Church is a significant 1930’s Works Progress Administration-era adobe structure. Our team called for volunteers to help with the installation of two Northern New Mexico style pitched tin roofs with large overhanging eves, followed by restoration of the rotted vigas, and the removal of the adobe building’s failing cement stucco, replacing the stucco with traditional adobe mud plastering. Father Patrick Chavez supervised this project for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, along with Church Mayordomos Tessy and Bernadette Galvez; Loraine and Eli Lucero, and Cindy and Lee Baca. Antonio Martinez of Cornerstones assisted with this community project.